Pain Management Chandler AZ Dan Grant Assisting Accident Patient

Accident and Injury Care in Chandler AZ

Fall Special


Includes: new patient start up,
adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage

Accident and Injury Care in Chandler AZ

Serenity Healthcare
2580 W Chandler Blvd Suite 4
Chandler, AZ 85224

Fall Special


Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage

We're seeing fantastic results helping people with the following:

  • Whiplash

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Tingling

  • Whiplash

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Tingling

Have You Been In An Accident?

Pain Management Chandler AZ Man With Injury
  • Injury Treatments In Chandler AZ

    For those of you that have experienced these traumatic events, we will address both the emotional and physical damage incurred. Our staff is fully trained to take all of the stresses off your hands incurred from the accident in order for you to be on the road to recovery as soon as possible.

    Our doctors and our exercise therapists work together on each case to better serve our patients. Following an extensive orthopedic and neurological examination, and a series of computerized diagnostic testing, our doctors create the proper treatment program for each patient.

$89 New Patient Special

Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage

Injury Treatment Programs

  • Auto Accidents

  • Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA’s) are a very common way for people to acquire subluxations and muscle imbalance due to the impact. In addition to the structural changes that occur following an accident, there is a significant amount of damage that can occur at the “soft tissue” level. The whiplash injury to the neck, or cervical sprain/strain, is by far the most common injury that results from a car accident. Sprains and strains are referred to as soft tissue injuries (soft tissue includes muscles, tendons, and ligaments).

    Soft tissue injuries, invisible on x-rays and often overlooked, can cause severe debilitating pain after a car accident. Worse yet, if a soft tissue injury is not specifically addressed, and left unresolved, the affected muscles and other soft tissues can end up causing chronic pain indefinitely in addition to a diminished range of motion.

Pain Management Chandler AZ Woman In Car Accident
  • Unfortunately, the standard medical approach to these injuries often amounts to nothing more than suppressing the symptoms with pain-killers and non Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), leaving the injured muscles to hopefully heal on their own. This method of care may give temporary relief, but it does not resolve the underlying problem in the long term. Unfortunately, pain is the last symptom to show up from a problem, and the first thing to go away once proper care is acquired.

    Injured muscles heal with scar tissue in a way that leaves them weaker, less elastic, and prone to re-injury and pain. The scar tissue is placed in specific areas to allow you to heal, but it is an unorganized process. It is important to include some form of muscular therapy to help restore muscular strength, flexibility, and normal function by correcting or “aligning” the scar tissue and reorganizing it properly.

  • Work Injuries

Pain Management Chandler AZ Man With Wrist Injury
  • At Serenity Healthcare, we see a variety of injuries. The most common ones being musculoskeletal sprains and strains. Chiropractic provides effective non surgical care for musculoskeletal injuries, such as back injuries, lifting, twisting and movement injuries, and repetitive strain injuries. Many problems contribute to musculoskeletal injuries. The most common are:

Frequent or heavy lifting

Pushing, pulling, or carrying of heavy objects

Prolonged awkward postures

Repetitive, forceful, or prolonged exertions


  • Jobs or working conditions that combine the above risk factors will increase the risk for musculoskeletal problems. Lately we have seen a number of patients with injuries related to data entry or extended computer work. The level of risk depends on how long a worker is exposed to these conditions, how often they are exposed, and the level of exposure.

$89 New Patient Special

Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage

  • Sports Injuries

  • Many athletes seek chiropractic care, whether they are professionals or weekend warriors, to enhance their sports performance or help them return to pre-injury status.

    Whether it is musculoskeletal sprain-strains or repetitive stress types of injuries due to sports, at Serenity Healthcare we are focused on our patient’s well being and recovery.

    Through the use of highly specific and safe spinal and extremity adjustment techniques, therapeutic exercises and stretches, and correction of biomechanical faults, athletes can experience increased performance and reduced risk of injury.

    Thoughtful chiropractic care can help athletes:

Increase range of motion

Improve flexibility

Create balance

Improve coordination

Extend joint proprioception

Align body symmetry

Quicken reaction times

Create speed

Expand kinesthetic awareness

Pain Management Chandler AZ Football Player With Hurt Knee
  • In a recent study a group of asymptomatic university baseball players were split into 2 groups; one group received spinal manipulation while their counterparts acted as controls by receiving no care. Vertical jump, broad jump, standing broad jump, muscle strength, blood pressure, pulse rate, microcirculation (nail bed capillary counts) and stress test were evaluated in all athletes prior to the study, as well as a 5 & 14 week follow-up.

    Those receiving spinal manipulation experienced significant improvements in muscle strength and long jump distance at 14 weeks. The spinal manipulation group also experienced improvement in capillary counts at 5 and 14 weeks follow-up. Additionally, the spinal manipulation group had decreases in resting blood pressure and pulse rate following treadmill activity.

    Another study conducted by Nansel, PhD., found cervical adjustments improved neck range of motion in a group of asymptomatic individuals who had differences of more than 10 degrees in lateral flexion of the head, (Nansel, PhD. JMPT 1989; 12(6):419-27. Schwartzbauer J, DC, Schwartzbauer M, DC, Hart J, DC, Zhang J, MD, PhD. J Vert Sublux Res).

    Strains, tendonitis, muscle soreness and stress fracture of the bone often occur with excessive or repetitive activity. The warning signs can be aches and pains which gradually get worse as one continues with the activity. The most vulnerable parts of the body are knees, back, wrists, neck and shoulders.

    Repetitive strain injuries cannot usually be exercised away, neither does resting resolve the injury. Following an extensive orthopedic and neurological examination, our doctors will assess each case and determine what type of chiropractic care and physical medicine is appropriate for each patient.

$89 New Patient Special

Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage